Where To Start With Language Learning

Where To Start

Once you have decided on what language you would like to learn. It is then the time to start exposing yourself to that target language as much as possible. In this day and age it is Just a matter as simple as going online with your phone to find a resource to your target language.

I would suggest the following:

Start listening to the radio in your target language.
Go on you tube and start watching cartoons in your target language as a general rule it will be easier to understand.
Watch as many films as you can in your target language with or with out subtitles.
Download some apps on your phone and use them as much as you can.
Enroll on a local course in your chosen language.
If you can afford to pay  it have private lessons.
Have a look online for free courses their are a lot to choose from.
Get yourself a language learning course.
Change the language settings on your phone to the target language as long as you have reached a very basic level. 
Change the language on all social media accounts to the target language.
Practice listening, Reading, writing, speaking in your target language,
Depending on how determined you are stop using your other languages as much as possible.
Read the news in your target language.
Find a local language speaking club for practice.  
Either buy or make some flash cards in your target language.
Study the language as much or a little as you can.

If you do not have much spare time simply having the radio or a you tube clip in your chosen language when you are getting ready for work or doing other things will still help  You get use to hearing the language. After a short amount of time of just doing this you will begin to recognize certain words and phrases being spoken. You may not understand what
They mean but, that does not matter to begin with. Remember that before a baby is even born they are exposed to the language that is spoken around them. After they are born and begin to grow and develop they begin to understand what is being said to them. This continues and then they begin to speak simple words and as time goes by they learn to fully comprehend the language/languages that they are exposed to.

As adults are concentration levels are higher and we are able to purposely give language learning are full attention. When learning a language most learners first begin to understand what is being said to them. They may know how to reply but, may not be able to produce what they want to say. First one must learn to pronounce the sound of that language before they will be understood. Its simply down to repetition just like a child.  


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