Learning Cornish

Learning Cornish

I decided to add the Cornish language to my blog as so few people speak it about 3,000. I have been to Cornwall a number of times and have always had a keen interest in the language but, sadly have yet to meet a Cornish speaker in person.

 Below you will find more information on how and where to learn this rare language.

A good start would be Cornish is fun: An informal course in living Cornish

The website http://www.learncornishnow.com/ has two course both are free as well as having other information on learning Cornish.

The Cornish Language fellowship is a charity that promotes the Cornish language http://cornish-language.org/

If you reside in Cornwall the following offer courses http://www.learncornishdreckly.org.uk/classes.html

The Cornish Language board have information on all things related to the Cornish language including information on courses in Cornwall, London. They also offer exams in the Cornish language.


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